Obtaining the displayed value of a field, having a DropDown DW, is simple:
- Code: Select all
ls_expr = "Evaluate('LookUpDisplay(" + as_col + ")', " + String(al_row) + ")"
ls_display_value = dw_test.Describe(ls_expr)
Unfortunately, that method works only for the Primary! buffer . PB has no built-in means to do the same with other buffers. You can ask: how do you want to get the displayed value of a field which is not displayed ? Sometimes, we need the value which would be displayed if the record would be in the Primary! buffer - for example, to appear in an error message in a pre-save validation when the failed row is in the Filter! or Delete! buffer.
Of course, it should be placed in your DW ancestor:
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Returns the lookup-display value of a drop-down. Deals with any buffer of the DW.
To deal with the primary buffer only, use the overloaded function with 2 arguments.
More details: http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=89
Arg: al_row - long - row number
a_buf - DWBuffer - buffer
as_col - string - name of column with drop-down
Ret: the lookup-display value (string)
Developer: Michael Zuskin - http://linkedin.com/in/zuskin | http://code.intfast.ca/
datetime ldt_val
date ld_val
time lt_val
int li_dwc_row
string ls_expr
string ls_val
string ls_serch_expr
string ls_data_col
string ls_data_col_type
string ls_display_col
string ls_display_col_type
string ls_display_value
string ls_format
DataWindowChild ldwc
constant string FORMAT_D = 'dd/mm/yyyy' // date format
constant string FORMAT_T = 'hh:mm:ss' // time format
if a_buf = Primary! then
ls_expr = "Evaluate('LookUpDisplay(" + as_col + ")', " + String(al_row) + ")"
ls_display_value = this.Describe(ls_expr)
return ls_display_value
end if
// For Filter! & Delete! buffers, we need to work harder since LookUpDisplay doesn't work with them...
this.GetChild(as_col, ref ldwc)
ls_format = this.GetFormat(as_col)
// Get the Data Column and Display Column and their types:
ls_data_col = this.Describe(as_col + '.dddw.datacolumn')
ls_display_col = this.Describe(as_col + '.dddw.displaycolumn')
ls_data_col_type = this.Describe(as_col + '.coltype')
ls_data_col_type = Lower(Left(ls_data_col_type, 5))
ls_display_col_type = ldwc.Describe(ls_display_col + '.coltype')
ls_display_col_type = Lower(Left(ls_display_col_type, 5))
// Prepare the expression to find the row in Child DW:
choose case ls_data_col_type
case 'decim', 'numbe', 'long', 'ulong', 'real', 'int' // numeric
ls_val = String(this.GetItemNumber(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false))
ls_serch_expr = ls_data_col + '=' + ls_val
case 'char', 'char(' // string
ls_val = this.GetItemString(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false)
ls_serch_expr = ls_data_col + '="' + ls_val + '"'
case 'datet', 'times' // datetime, timestamp
ldt_val = this.GetItemDateTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false)
ls_val = String(ldt_val, FORMAT_D + " " + FORMAT_T)
ls_serch_expr = 'String(' + ls_data_col + ', "' + FORMAT_D + " " + FORMAT_T + '")="' + ls_val + '"'
case 'date' // date
ld_val = this.GetItemDate(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false)
ls_val = String(ld_val, FORMAT_D)
ls_serch_expr = 'String(' + ls_data_col + ', "' + FORMAT_D + '")="' + ls_val + '"'
case 'time' // time
lt_val = this.GetItemTime(al_row, as_col, a_buf, false)
ls_val = String(lt_val, FORMAT_T)
ls_serch_expr = 'String(' + ls_data_col + ', "' + FORMAT_T + '")="' + ls_val + '"'
end choose
// Find the row in Child DW:
li_dwc_row = ldwc.Find(ls_serch_expr, 1, ldwc.RowCount())
if IsNull(li_dwc_row) or li_dwc_row < 1 then return ''
// Get value of the Display Column in that row:
choose case ls_display_col_type
case 'decim', 'numbe', 'long', 'ulong', 'real', 'int' // numeric
ls_display_value = String(ldwc.GetItemNumber(li_dwc_row, ls_display_col))
case 'char', 'char(' // string
ls_display_value = ldwc.GetItemString(li_dwc_row, ls_display_col)
case 'datet', 'times' // datetime, timestamp
ls_display_value = String(ldwc.GetItemDateTime(li_dwc_row, ls_display_col), ls_format)
case 'date' // date
ls_display_value = String(ldwc.GetItemDate(li_dwc_row, ls_display_col), ls_format)
case 'time' // time
ls_display_value = String(ldwc.GetItemTime(li_dwc_row, ls_display_col), ls_format)
end choose
return ls_display_value
You can also create an overload for the cases when you need to deal with the Primary! buffer only. That will not shorten your scripts, but, anyway, it's slightly more elegant then using the Describe() method):
- Code: Select all
Dscr: Returns the lookup-display value of a drop-down. Deals with the Primary! buffer only.
To deal also with other buffers, use the overloaded function with 3 arguments.
More details: http://code.intfast.ca/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=89
Arg: al_row - long - row number
as_col - string - name of column with drop-down
Ret: the lookup-display value (string)
Developer: Michael Zuskin - http://linkedin.com/in/zuskin | http://code.intfast.ca/
return this.uf_lookup_display(al_row, Primary!, as_col)